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Welcome to Rivers of Refreshing

“Where Love and Healing Flow.”

About Kassie

Kassie loves God and loves people. 

She has a heart for the hurting and her passion is for hearts to be healed and minds set free from trauma and lies through Father God’s love.  Kassie moves with compassion to lovingly guide people through the process of healing, deliverance, and freedom.

She loves to encourage others through the living word of God which empowers them to become all God has called them to be in this life.  Kassie’s desire is for people to come to intimately know Father God and in doing so, come to know their true identity and authority in Him. 

Kassie is a Certified Christian Life Coach.  She and her husband Lorenzo are founders of Rivers of Refreshing Christian Life Coaching. They are team members of Building Bridges Ministry.  Kassie and Lorenzo specialize in inner healing & deliverance, discipleship for men, women, and children, and Biblical marriage counseling and pre-marital counseling for couples.


Lorenzo and Kassie took the time to counsel us in our marriage at a very difficult point and it helped us to heal and go forward in a way we never thought possible. We have a new marriage now. They are such a blessing to have in our lives!

- Joseph and Emily

Kassie has been a blessing to me and to my family. When I first came to see Kassie, I was in a place of deep brokenness and despair. Everything I was sure I wanted had been lost, and I felt overwhelmed and helpless trying to face it all.
By the Holy Spirit’s leading she guided me through inner healing and deliverance. She spoke the truth in love and helped me come to see, know, and believe I am who Jesus says I am. She taught me, discipled me, showed me the love of Christ, and ultimately ignited me on fire for the things of God.
She helped me find freedom so I could pursue His will for my life, forever impacting not only my life but the lives of those around me as well.
Kassie also worked with my son as he worked through some heart wounding related to previous traumas. She is absolutely fantastic with children, and he feels so comfortable talking with her.
The fruit in my son’s life following a small handful of sessions with Kassie was pretty remarkable. The wrong beliefs were just not there anymore, so self-control and obedience were no longer such a struggle for him.
She has taught him to turn to God first, to rest in His presence, and to listen for His voice.
Kassie has taught my son and I how to turn to Jesus right when we experience something that hurts our heart. She has taught us how to go to our Father to hear His truth and seek healing right from the moment a trauma tries to enter our lives.
Through God’s grace and Kassie’s counseling, not only have my son and I found freedom in Christ, but she has taught us how to stay free and live free, walking in all Jesus purchased for us to walk in.
- Marie

Kassie has a sweet spirit and she allows the Holy Spirit to use her mightily! She prayed before and after each session, and all I can say is, Thank God for this spirit-filled and spirit-led, woman of God!

- Bobbie H.

I was really confused, shackled and spiraling  downwards. Psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually drained, my decisions where irrational. I kept ending up in the same dangerous emotional roller coaster.  I was being held captive by guilt and past sins.  Kassie uncanny ability to discern the enemy’s lies destroyed the yokes of bondage.  With the Holy Spirit’s leading, Kassie uprooted and expose Satan’s desire to hold me down. Biblically grounded she led me to the Word of God to restore my faith.  Kassie reminded me that I am who God says I am; fearfully and wonderfully made.

- M Downs


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